IDEA 12 is an acronym of the full project title „Inclusive Direction in Education of Adults on Article 12“. It contributes to enhancing the implementation of Article 12 of CRPD which requires a coordinated and transnational intervention.

Implementation period

The project lasts for 28 months from 1. 9. 2016 to 31. 12. 2018.

Budget and financial partners

The project IDEA 12 is funded by ERASMUS+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for adult education. The project No. is 2016-1-CZ01-KA204-023975.
The total project budget is 221 749 EUR.

Project partnership

Applicant organization is Quip (Czech Republic). Further members of the project partnerships are: Land of Harmony (Slovakia), PLENA INCLUSIÓN ESPAŇA (Spain), RESURSU CENTRS ZELDA (Latvia), CHANGE People (United Kingdom), TUYA (Spain), ASOCIACIJA „LIETUVOS NEIGALIUJU FORUMAS“ (Lithuania), The Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University Prague (Czech Republic).

Objectives and main activities of the project

The idea of the project comes from an observation that full legal capacity of people with disability is still restricted in practice. Implementation of the latest EU legislation, namely Article 12 “Equal recognition before the law” of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), has been slow and patchy. CRPD was ratified by the EU in December 2010.
IDEA 12 aims to improve awareness-raising and capacity-building and education. Innovative forms of adult education based on inclusive approach will be used as a tool of change.
The main project objectives are as follows:
1) Preparing a written material on the right to full legal capacity and the right to support (assistance) in decision-making for people with learning disabilities and mental health problems which will improve awareness about Article 12
2) Preparing a written material on how to support a person in decision making which will improve awareness about good practice on supported decision-making
3) Preparing an inclusive training on supported decision-making for professionals, public administrators, people with learning disabilities and mental health problems.
In the end of the project, the project partnership will have a group of skilled and experienced lecturers including lecturers with learning disabilities and mental health problem who have first-hand experience of the barriers faced.
